A Blessing Not a Burden

The popular music ballad, He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother, became a worldwide hit for The Hollies in 1969 and again for Neil Diamond in 1970.

If you are not familiar with the song, some of its lyrics say this:

His welfare is my concern.
No burden is he to bear.
We’ll get there.
For I know He would not encumber me.
He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother!

The origin of the phrase that is the title of the song is disputed but has been ascribed to Kiwanis magazine editor, Roe Fulkerson, from an article published in 1924. The phrase has been associated with Father Edward J. Flanagan, the founder of Boys Town, and became the motto of Boys Town.

Whatever the origin of the phrase, the meaning is clear. Concern for the welfare of others is not a heavy burden to bear.

And most people I know embrace that philosophy of life.

So here’s where I am going with this post. There’s something I need to explain about raising my grandchildren.

It’s something I need to say and probably should have said when I began this blog a few months ago and started sharing my adventures in raising toddlers with friends.

Many friends and family have encouraged me and supported me in my efforts to raise my two toddler grandchildren as a single (grand)parent. They have offered help, suggestions, and generally given me a pat on the back for my dubious undertaking.

Some may have even thought I am some kind of superman or saint. I can assure you that I am neither!

I’m not doing anything extraordinary, I’m only doing what should be expected!

And I sincerely believe that any of you would do exactly the same thing given similar circumstances. (And I know several that have!)

So here’s the point I want to make. And it’s the point of the song I mentioned at the beginning of this post.

Blessing 1 and Blessing 2

Starting on this new adventure of raising the toddlers as a single (grand)parent is not a burden to me.

Raising the toddlers is not a heavy load for me to bear.

They’re my children, my family, my kids and so I love them and want the best for them more than I want what’s best for me!

Isn’t that the mantra of any parent?

So what the toddlers have brought to my life is blessing, not a burden!

Is it hard? Sure, but raising kids is a challenge for any parent! Especially when you’re not superman or saint!

Do I get down about it? Sometimes I get frustrated that I can’t provide everything they need as a single parent as I have explained in other posts.

Do I have any regrets? Absolutely not!

Raising the toddlers has enriched my life beyond my greatest expectations!

My prayer is that God can use me to bless their lives as much as He has used them to bless me!

3 thoughts on “A Blessing Not a Burden

  1. At least for now, while they’re toddlers, and I’ll let them believe it as long as they will as I’m sure that will change when they get to be teenagers, or sooner…


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